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News and Updates
The Latest News From The Penitentiary

2024-08-02 Prison Architect 2 | Delayed release

2024-07-04Dev Diary #2 - Kokku's Intake

2024-06-13Dev Diary #1 - Introduction to Kokku

2024-05-13A warm farewell and exciting welcome!

2024-04-19Prison Architect 2 | Parole Session: Delayed

2024-04-09Feature Highlight #10 - Riots

2024-04-02Feature Highlight #9 - Career Mode

2024-03-19Feature Highlight #8 - Finances

2024-03-12Dev Highlight #2 - The World Of Career Mode

2024-03-05Feature Highlight #7 Prison Tools

2024-02-27Feature Highlight #6 Personalities & Relationships

2024-02-20Feature Highlight #5 - Prisoner Management

2024-02-13Feature Highlight #4 - Security

2024-02-06Feature Highlight #3 - Prisoner Needs

2024-01-30Feature Highlight #2 - Rooms & Objects

2024-01-23Feature Highlight #1 - Building Tools

2024-01-19Developer Highlight - Episode #1

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