Greetings Founders,
I heard every good factory game needs a laser update, so I’m excited to share some early laser related developments within the world of Foundry.
Now Witness the Firepower of This Fully Armed and Operational Space Station
Orbital Laser
The orbital laser is a late(-ish) game Space Station upgrade that gives you access to a terraforming laser. It makes short work of large chunks of terrain, but has the limitation that it’s fired down to the planet from the sky and indiscriminately destroys everything it touches. Removing pesky mountains has never been easier- just don’t fire it too close to anything you love! This early version hasn’t had all the kinks ironed out yet, so we would love to hear your thoughts as we polish it up.

Orbital Uplink Tool
Expanding on the utility of the Space Station has always been the plan, adding additional upgrades and functionality to reward your factory progress. We have begun work on adding a mobile “Orbital Uplink Tool”. A craftable item that will allow you to remotely command the Space Station, including targeting the new Orbital Laser. The hand tool in the video is just a placeholder as we decide on the design for the holdable.

The Future of Terraforming
One of the most obvious USP’s for the game right now is the procedural, modifiable voxel terrain. We are actively thinking of ways we can make better use of it, especially in the early game, to help folks see how cool Foundry is. If you have any thoughts on what we could do in regards to this, we are listening.

One more thing…
This one has been on our TODO list for a long, long, long, long, long time. Introducing the brand new multi-directional-belt-drag mode!
Placing belts is one of the most common tasks in the game, and previously it involved swapping between multiple items and modes. So, in addition to the precise placement mode you are already familiar with, we (and by we I mean MrMcDuck) have added a powerful, and simple, click drag mode. It works in multiple directions, handles numerous turns in a single drag, and even automatic vertical belt placement.
I know everyone has been (very patiently) waiting for the next content update, and is itching to get their hands on new content asap. Please rest assured that despite our belts and lasers initiative here, that we are working hard on a substantial content update with tons of surprises.
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