Cities: Skylines II
Cities: Skylines II
Detailer’s Patch #1 - Patch 1.1.6f1
Hi everyone,
Today's patch includes fixes for some of the issues reported with patch 1.1.5f1, also known as Economy 2.0, as well as some new free content. Our art team has been working on new service building variations and additional theme vehicles to expand the options you have. For those of you who enjoy detailing, we have added an Age Selector to the Tree Placement Tool for more control over your trees, and the Surface Tool which allows you to add 11 different surfaces to your city. As the #1 implies, this is only part 1 of "Detailer's Dream" as we want to address the feedback we've received and improve the support for this play style. More information on what else we have in the works to come.
For now, we hope you will enjoy the new additions and bug fixes. Thank you to everyone who reported bugs or shared constructive feedback, and to everyone who has filled out the survey. We've already started looking into how we can tweak balancing in the future based on your responses.
And as always, if you encounter any new issues following this patch, we'd appreciate a bug report here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/cities-skylines-2-bug-reports.1162/
We wish you a wonderful July and look forward to continuing development when we're back in the office in August.
Remember: A new patch can cause compatibility issues with mods. If you have issues, please disable mods and wait for them to be updated by modders. See this thread for more information.
Read the patch notes here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/detailers-dream-1-patch-1-1-6f1.1693090/
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